Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I've finally updated the links on my blog. But I can't remember many since I don't blog surf alot, so sorry to those I missed out! Haha. Tag my board to tell me know eh?

I can't wait to go SHOPPING tomorrow with my mum. Yes, I know its the day before the bio paper, but I'm going to go mad if I don't go out. Today is such a nice relaxing day. Woke up at 11 odd, watched death note movie and ate my cereal. I daresay the movie is a farcry from the manga and anime, but at least L was cute. Read some scans and tried doing some bio mcq. Please note the word TRIED. Having some cold pasta for lunch now, and I promised myself to start working out today as I am dead afraid of gaining weight again. If only everyday was like this.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
They sure weren't kidding when they talked about
the darkside of the media.

I'm waiting for you to drown in this love
I'm waiting for you to open your arms.

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